We believe that disabled people know best what prevents our full inclusion into Scottish Society, and what needs to be done to promote it. We know this through our experiences of exclusion.
To make Scotland equal and inclusive, we believe that disabled people must have equality and fully enjoy their human rights.
Our policy work aims to make sure that policy and decision-makers know what matters to disabled people and our organisations and how to remove the barriers that prevent us being fully part of our society. Find out more about our work in the Policy Focus section.
We support disabled peoples involvement in decision making by bringing together disabled people and their Disabled People’s Organisations with decision and policy makers, finding out what matters most to disabled people and what the solutions should be. We support disabled peoples empowerment to influence legislation, policy and practice. You can find out more at our pages about Our Projects.
Through our policy, we work towards a Scotland where:
- Disabled peoples human rights are known about, understood, protected and progressed because disabled people should be able to enjoy the same rights as others.
- No disabled people live in poverty because no-one should be living without adequate income, food, energy, transport, education, access to services and opportunities.
- Disabled people live in accessible and affordable housing everyone should live in a home that meets their needs.
- There is no employment gap between disabled people and non-disabled people because everyone should be able to earn a living in good work if they choose to.
- Disabled people are included in decisions on climate change, because climate action shouldn’t create barriers for disabled people and because we want to help reduce climate change – it’s our planet too!
- Social care support meets people’s needs because everyone should be able to access support that meets their needs and rights to participate in their communities, no matter where they live.
- Disabled people know their rights and have accessible and affordable access to the law and other remedies when things go wrong and the support to do use these.
Please click on the links below to learn more our policy work.
Inclusion Scotland 2021 Election Manifesto
Climate Change and COP 26 in Glasgow