Why is the CRPD is important to disabled people?- Video
This is a video about why the United Nations Convention for Disabled people matters and what it means for disabled people, with BSL and subtitles.
Nothing about us without us! Disabled people’s human rights in Scotland.
Scottish Civil Society Shadow Report
(March 2022)
The United Kingdom agreed to ‘protect and promote’ the human rights of disabled people and people with long-term health conditions by signing up to the Convention on the Rights of Disabled People. It also agreed to take part in a review every 4 years so that the United Nations can check whether disabled people’s human rights are being upheld. The ‘UK’ includes the Scottish Government and public bodies in Scotland like Health Boards, education providers and councils.
The next review of the UK is expected to be in 2023.
An important part of the review process is for disabled people and our organisations to send evidence to the United Nations disability Committee about what has happened in Scotland since the last review in 2017. We do this by writing a shadow report.
Inclusion Scotland worked with a Steering Group of Disabled People’s Organisations and third sector organisations to write the shadow report. It contains evidence from disabled people across Scotland about the issues facing disabled people today. It was sent to the United Nations Disability Committee in March 2022 and co-signed by 25 organisations.
Our work in Scotland is now part of the wider Shadow Report and List of Issues covering the whole of the UK. We worked with Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations in England, Northern Ireland and Wales to produce this. This is the list of things that the UK Government will write a report on ahead of the Committee’s review of the UK in 2023. We will add the UK Government’s report (which will include reports from the devolved nations) on this website when it is published. You can see these Shadow Reports below the Scottish Shadow Report BSL video, below.
Download the Full 2022 CRPD Shadow Report here –
2022 CRPD Shadow Report – Word
2022 CRPD Shadow Report – Plain text
Download summary report –
2022 CRPD Shadow Report – Summary
Download the Easy Read summary report –
2022 CRPD Shadow Report – Easy Read
Watch the BSL summary report – video
UK Shadow Report and List of Issues
You can also read the Shadow Reports from other nations.
Appendices –
2022 CRPD Shadow Report – Appendices
2022 CRPD Shadow Report – Organisation survey responses
If you’ve got any questions, ideas or comments please email us on uncrpd@inclusionscotland.org or phone us on 0131 370 6700.
Find out more about your human rights
We have pulled together these materials to help people to learn more about their human rights. These materials will give you information about the Convention on the Rights of Disabled People, the monitoring process and what happened at the last review. They will help you think about what we should tell the United Nations in the Report.
Many of the reports we talk about are from 2017. This was the last time the UK was reviewed by the United Nations. This project is your opportunity to have your say on what the United Nations will look at in the next review which is planned to take place in 2023.
There are already many good materials about the Convention on the Rights of Disabled People on the internet and we have included links to some so that you can find out more.
Disabled People’s Human Rights
Disabled People’s Human Rights (PDF Version)
Disabled People’s Human Rights (MS Word Version)
Human Rights of Disabled People (Easy Read Version)
What happened last time the UK was reviewed by the Committee on the Rights of Disabled People?
What’s happened to disabled people’s rights since 2017?
What’s happened to disabled people’s rights since 2017? (PDF Version)
What’s happened to disabled people’s rights since 2017? (MS Word Version)
What’s happened to disabled people’s rights since 2017? (Easy Read Version)