“It has been fantastic to hear colleagues say what a positive impact the training has had on them and see confidence grow within two short sessions. The delivery of the training was excellent – passionate, knowledgeable and evidence based with a mix of lived experience and practical tips. This is training which all organisations should aim to deliver to staff at all levels across their organisation.”
Unlocking your ‘Employerability’ training
This 2 part training series will help you to make real changes in your workplace to improve the employment, retention and promotion of disabled people.
‘Employerability’: noun
The ability of employers to welcome disabled people as equal and valued employees, and support their growth development and inclusion in the workplace.
Compare to ’employability’ the perceived ability of a disabled person to be employed by an employer.
Don’t just take our word for it, participants had this to say:
“Really enjoyed this training session. Would highly recommend it to every organisation! The training gives you real food for thought and gives great insights into the theory as well as practical examples.”
“Fantastic training with so much information and insight. Would highly recommend to any employer looking to prioritise and really make a difference to disability inclusion.”
“Prior to this training I didn’t think it would be possible to include a disabled person in my team, now I see things differently”
“A candid and pragmatic discussion, with room to debate the issues without causing offence. It allows managers to take away practical lessons on how to better support applicants and existing workers”
If you are interested in speaking with Inclusion Scotland about consultation work around accessible and inclusive employment, please contact us and we will happy to discuss what we can offer.