‘Locked in the Hospital’

‘Locked in the Hospital’ – Tonight (15 August 2022), BBC Scotland airs a documentary exposing stories of disabled people locked into hospitals, far from home, and their families’ fight to get them home.

Inclusion Scotland, C-Change Scotland and other Scottish organisations have written to Scottish Ministers urging them to urgently do more to sort this out so that disabled people can lead full and independent lives with or close to their families.

Sent with the letter is a submission co-signed by all the organisations in response to the Scottish Governments ‘Coming Home Implementation Report’  published in February 2022. This report sets out the actions Scottish Government plan to take. However these actions include promoting institutions as a suitable ‘home’ and take no account of the very things that can support disabled people to live in the community, such as self-directed support and the Scottish Independent Living Fund. Despite using the language of human rights, the report undermines these rights, does not take account of disabled people’s voices of experience and expertise and quite simply, does not go far enough.

Read the letter and our submission below:

Letter to Ministers – Coming Home Implementation Report

Coming Home Implementation Report – submission August 2022 with signatures