The People-Led Policy Panel and Inclusion Scotland have submitted a response to the Scottish Government’s consultation about plans for a National Care Service (NCS). We held two meetings of the PLPP to talk about the questions together. We also met with Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care. In our response we say:
- Eligibility criteria must be removed.
- We would like to know the timetable for re-opening the Independent Living Fund and for scrapping all care charges.
- We fully support a NCS with accountability sitting with Scottish Ministers.
- We believe national accountability and national standards (as well as an independent complaints system “with teeth”) is the best way to achieve our human right to independent living as laid out in Article 19 of the UN CRPD and General Comment 5.
- There must be a Equalities and Human Rights Based Approach to co-design and co-production, through which disabled people and unpaid carers are empowered and enabled to participate equally as partners.
- We should develop a “Charter of Rights” similar to the one created by Social Security Scotland, which is a practical way to make sure an Equalities and Human Rights Based Approach is embedded in every aspect of the NCS.
- The role of the PLPP and other lived experience groups, such as Glasgow Disability Alliance’s Expert Group, in the co-design and governance of a NCS will be crucial. This must be carefully planned and discussed with DPOs as soon as possible.
- There must be a duty to co-produce written into the legislation for a NCS.
- Funding for social care support must be ring fenced.
- Everyone using the NCS should have a right to Independent Advocacy, individual and collective.
You can read the full response below :
Click on the download now button to download PLPP Inclusion Scotland National Care Service Consultation Response.
The Easy Read summary of the recommendations can be downloaded below. This is available in word and PDF:
This is an Easy Read version of the recommendations from our National Care Service Consultation Response in Word. Please click the link to download it.
This is an Easy Read version of the recommendations from our National Care Service Consultation Response in PDF. Please click the link to download it.